VIVID Cover for Issue No.74 – September 2005 Photo from LIVE Album by Petru Bogdan
Breathtakingly beautiful and 100 per cent Romanian by Andrew Begg September 2005 Take one of the country’s most talented young photographers, Petru Bogdan. Then link him with four attractive Romanian women. Decorate them in clothes by Romania’s most renowned designer, Doina Levintza. Then take them to some of the most interesting locations in all of Romania to be photographed. The heady result is the most beautiful album of photographs that has been seen in a long time, and the best […]
Vivid EVENTS June/July 2005 Petru Bogdan, the acclaimed photographer, held an exhibition of his latest works and album at Cafe Amsterdam.
Expozitie de fotografie in centrul istoric 11 May, 2005 by Violeta-Loredana Pascal Expozitia “BEYOND” la Amsterdam Grand Café Amsterdam Grand Café are placerea sa anunte expozitia de fotografie “BEYOND” realizata de Petru Bogdan, in Grand Room, Joi, 12 mai, intre orele 18:30 – 20:00. Petru este deja un fotograf renumit nu doar datorita colaborarii de-a lungul anilor cu Doina Levintza. Va calatori in Japonia la inceputul lunii iunie pentru a-si lansa primul album foto in cadrul Zilei Romaniei la expozitia […]